Dr. Shayan (Sean/Sansón) Taheri is a resourceful and dynamic Self-Taught Software Engineer, bringing to the fore a substantial inventory of technical competencies that span a vast spectrum of programming languages, including but not limited to, prolific languages such as "C++, Python, MATLAB, Shell, Dart, Java, JavaScript, C#, TCL, Perl, SQL, HTML, Go, Lisp, and SAS". His expertise does not stop at software development; it extends to hardware engineering where he exhibits proficiency in languages such as "Verilog HDL, VHDL, SPICE, and Assembly", and capitalize on avant-garde tools including "Synopsys, Cadence, and Xilinx Suites along with GEM5, Structural Simulation Toolkit (SST), LabVIEW, HTCondor, FabScalar, and SimpleScalar" to navigate complex hardware projects with finesse.

Emphasizing agility and innovation, Dr. Taheri adeptly utilizes a wide range of software engineering tools such as "Visual Studio Code, Flutter, Jupyter, Neo4j, Git, Docker, Jira, Trello, Asana, React, and LaTeX", keeping projects streamlined and efficient. He also possess a deep understanding of artificial intelligence, demonstrated by his mastery over integral software libraries including "TensorFlow, PyTorch, Keras, Scikit-learn, NumPy, OpenCV, and TensorBoard". His commitment to ongoing learning and enhancement of his skill set is unwavering; he regularly delve into enriching literature to stay abreast of the newest trends and technologies in the field.

This enthusiastic approach towards self-education is the cornerstone of his expertise, enabling him to maneuver through challenges adeptly and envision solutions with a refined lens. His keen understanding of the complex landscape of software and hardware engineering, fortified through relentless self-driven education and a vast technical skill set, makes him a formidable asset in the engineering domain. Please refer to the following list of books, which underscores the breadth and depth of his knowledge and the foundational resources that fuel his continual growth in this dynamic field.

Personal Certifications:

Please download and refer to the "Certifications" file for more information about Dr. Taheri’s certifications.